Sir Has Petanque Men And Coed Teams

Petanque is a fun game that is enjoyed in our SIR branches by teams of all ages.
If you are not familiar with the game, Petanque is similar to Bocce but is played on hard dirt, sand or gravel. It is played in public areas, in parks or in dedicated facilities so the flexibility makes it very popular. Bocce is more of a bowling game, whereas petanque is more of a tossing game, like horseshoes. Bocce players take steps before throwing, petanque players stand still.
Bocce balls are usually rolled palm up, petanque balls tossed palm down, so they get backspin upon release.
Petanque balls are the size of an orange, hollow, and always made of metal.
Bocce balls are larger and solid, about the size of a grapefruit, colored, and generally made of resin or wood. Bocce is played on a Bocce court but Petanque is played in any open space.
To learn more about Petanque, visit one of our Bay Area SIR Petanque groups. Learn about other SIR activities here.