Online Membership Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Branch NameBranch Number *Branch WebsiteSend This Form To *APPLICATION FOR SIR MEMBERSHIP SIR's mission is to improve the lives of our members through fun activities, luncheons and events while Making Friends for Life. First Name *Middle InitialLast Name *NicknameAddress *City *State *Zip Code *Phone *Email *Birth Date mm-dd-yyyy *Partner's NameBy submitting this form, I agree to meet the following SIR member expectations: Act sociably, participate in our activities, luncheons and events, accept volunteer positions to support the branch, bring guests to introduce them to the joys of SIR, and perpetuate the organization. I also approve sharing of this information with other SIR members. How did you hear about SIR? *SponsorI am applying as anew memberI am transferring from this branch:Former/Current Occupation *With Company or OrganizationMilitary service: branch, years, specialty, highest rank, awardsBranch activities--the branch provides these activities for membersYour interests--branch activities from the above list or something else that you would like to participate in *Branch volunteers needed--we need your help to run the branch smoothlyYour volunteer interests--from the above list or other interests * Tell us more about yourselfSend Application to Branch